Category: Formal Gender Theory
[AGTRT-BF12] Transactivism preaches inclusion to mask a systematic practice of exclusion
Jan Bergstra & Laurens BuijsAmsterdam Gender Theory Research Team Just as Trump positions himself as a democrat at heart, trans activism manages to position itself as a movement for inclusion. Those are both samples of successful deception. It is notable that the former is indeed seen in progressive-liberal circles: there, there is broad consensus that…
[AGTRT-BF11] Non-binary gender through the lens of Formal Gender Theory
Jan Bergstra & Laurens Buijs Amsterdam Gender Theory Research Team The most notable author on gender theory in recent years, as far as we can tell, is Robin Dembroff (self-proclaimed non-binary, Yale/Princeton). In Why be nonbinar (2018), Dembroff describes the essence of being nonbinary. We explained in AGTRT-1 and in AGTRT-3 why we think neutral…
[AGTRT-BF10] Comment on Bracke & Paternotte (2018): the pot calling the kettle black
Jan Bergstra & Laurens BuijsAmsterdam Gender Theory Research Team In the publication“Unpacking the Sin of Gender” (Religion & Gender 2016), Sarah Bracke and David Paternotte turn against the Roman Catholic Church’s view of what Pope Francis calls “gender ideology.” Let us begin by emphasizing that of course we do not subscribe to the pope’s views…
[AGTRT-BF9] Lack of diversity in gender studies hinders open discussion
Jan Bergstra & Laurens BuijsAmsterdam Gender Theory Research Team A lively discussion about gender has erupted in the Netherlands, but we notice that the knowledge institutes on gender at universities are hardly involved in this discussion, if at all. We also see little sign yet that gender studies (commonly called gender studies) as a discipline…
[AGTRT-BF8] Why gender science may pay more attention to formal gender
Jan Bergstra and Laurens BuijsAmsterdam Gender Theory Research Team Since March 2023, we have been working on what we call formal gender theory (AGTRT-1, AGTRT-4). But what do we really mean by this, and why do we think we are making such a valuable contribution to the field of gender studies? The term “formal gender…
[AGTRT-BF7] FVD rightly sees problems with transgender treatments in children, but mo will not solve them
Jan Bergstra and Laurens BuijsAmsterdam Gender Theory Research Team In a motion, FVD asked the government to categorically ban hormonal medical treatments aimed at transgendering minors: MOTION BY MEMBER BAUDETProposed September 21, 2023 The Chamber,heard the deliberations, noting that more and more children are being made to doubt their gender and orientation and that more…