Author: Laurens Buijs
[AGTRT-BF73] Who is afraid of gender? Judith Butler is “afraid of gender”, apparently!
Jan Bergstra & Laurens BuijsAmsterdam Gender Theory Research Team A new book by Judith Butler, “Who is Afraid of Gender?” has recently been released. (abbreviated below as WIAOG). Butler is a strong proponent of co-essentialism: people freely determine their own gender, where gender would then be a fact rather than a choice. In WIAOG, Butler…
[AGTRT-BA23] The collective patriarchal trauma can only be healed through embracing the aloneness of existence
Laurens BuijsAmsterdam Gender Theory Research Team An essential part of the individuation process, or the process by which we become spiritually “whole” and which has been structurally mapped out by Carl Jung and others, is embracing the singleness that is intrinsic to existence. We were born alone and will die alone, and in the meantime…
[AGTRT-BF72] D66’s striking arrogance on gender theory
Jan Bergstra & Laurens BuijsAmsterdam Gender Theory Research Team In recent days, NSC, through NSC MP Nicolien van Vroonhoven, has proposed withdrawing the proposal for the new transgender law. We welcome that. While it is true that a new law is certainly useful and necessary (see AGTRT-BF18), the current bill is too co-essentialist. In other…
[AGTRT-BF71] Transgender and darts II: the importance of transition history
Laurens Buijs & Jan BergstraAmsterdam Gender Theory Research Team There was a commotion last week over a trans woman’s participation in the women’s darts competition. Two women, say A and B, refused to be on the national team any longer with a trans woman, who we call C. We don’t mention that persons’ names here…
[AGTRT-BF70] Transgender and darts I: medical and psychological Holland’s turn now
Jan Bergstra & Laurens BuijsAmsterdam Gender Theory Research Team In connection with the commotion over transgender participation in darts, much commentary is coming out on social media. This comes from several directions. Remarkably, the utter ambiguity of the term transgender gets little to no attention. On the site of the Transgender Network we read “who…
[AGTRT-BF69] In search of a theory of gender identity
Jan Bergstra & Laurens BuijsAmsterdam Gender Theory Research Team Structure of this blog 1. Introduction We have been asking ourselves for some time whether we can arrive at a theory of gender identity. In blog AGTRT-BF62 we noted that this concept in gender theory is currently surrounded by questions and ambiguities. Read more about the…