Author: Laurens Buijs
[AGTRT-BF79] Meme criticizing trans acceptance can only be parried by admitting that it sometimes makes sense too
Jan Bergstra & Laurens BuijsAmsterdam Gender Theory Research Team On socials, we saw the following meme going around: We see this meme primarily as an argument against the legally enforced acceptance of trans men as men and trans women as women. Because we believe that acceptance should be an issue in many cases, we would…
[AGTRT-BF78] New investigation into transgender care scandal in UK: ‘thousands of children abandoned’
Jan Bergstra & Laurens BuijsAmsterdam Gender Theory Research Team A long-awaited review of transgender care for children and young adults as provided by Britain’s NHS National Health Service was released this week. The conclusions are scathing: diagnostics fall short, treatments lack evidence-base. In particular, hormone treatments and puberty blockers are under heavy fire: “thousands of…
[AGTRT-BF77] Vatican contradicts itself on “gender theory”
Jan Bergstra & Laurens BuijsAmsterdam Gender Theory Research Team On April 8, 2024, “ Dignitas Infinita ” (below DI), and in it is written, among other things, about “gender theory.” We believe that the Vatican misses the mark here very obviously, and we do not understand why it does so. First, we note that the…
[AGTRT-BF76] Science still struggles with gender, self-identification is not everything
This article appeared in slightly modified form on March 20, 2023 in NRC UvA professor Jan Willem Duyvendak calls my criticism of non-binary gender in an opinion piece in NRC (March 1, 2023) “unscientific” and “politically motivated” (see also AGTRT-BF6). But in reality, current gender scholarship is precisely so ideological that all kinds of excesses…
[AGTRT-BF75] The Dutch language is deficient for gender theory, and must be expanded to include male and female
Jan Bergstra & Laurens BuijsAmsterdam Gender Theory Research Team Gender theory in Dutch ends up being too difficult a translation job, it turns out. We can think of little else but to propose that Dutch be expanded. In addition to gender, male and female could also be used as part of Dutch, and we propose…
[AGTRT-BF74] Butler vs. Rowling is the public version of Dembroff vs. Byrne
Jan Bergstra & Laurens BuijsAmsterdam Gender Theory Research Team There has been a recent commotion about new legislation in Scotland punishing misgendering. J.R. Rowling made herself heard by naming on X people who have a female gender identity and claim to be transgender, but whom Rowling claims are men (see also AGTRT-BF60). Rowling thereby criticized…