Author: Laurens Buijs
[AGTRT-BF98] When will the Roman Catholic Church take a positive step regarding gender transition?
Jan Bergstra & Laurens BuijsAmsterdam Gender Theory Research Team As we described in AGTRT-BF91, we view gender incongnuence as a medical condition, a condition that can be viewed as a problem and may warrant medical intervention. Gender incongruence can but does not have to be associated with gender dysphoria. We define gender incongnuence as a…
[AGTRT-BF97] The gender profile: ramification of gender identities within gender male and gender female
Jan Bergstra & Laurens BuijsAmsterdam Gender Theory Research Team (AGTRT). We are now working with the assumption that for each gender male, female and neutral there is a collection of gender identities belonging to that gender. We want to try to work out the consequences of this assumption in more detail. Unfortunately, this does not…
[AGTRT-BF96] Lisa van Ginneken turns world upside down: not NSC, but proponents of stranded bill threaten trans rights
Jan Bergstra & Laurens BuijsAmsterdam Gender Theory Research Team (AGTRT). ‘Apparently I live in a country where the political majority considers me a second-class citizen,’ was the headline of a large piece in the Volkskrant last Wednesday about the stranding of the new transgender law due to a motion by NSC( The quote comes from…
[AGTRT-BF95] The microscopy of neutral gender: agender, non-gender, non-binary, pangender, polygender, and omnigender
Jan Bergstra & Laurens BuijsAmsterdam Gender Theory Research Team In FGT, we see neutral gender as non-male and non-female. The term binary gender, like non-binary, we want to avoid explicitly and implicitly because of its ideological connotations (see AGTRT-3). With that, neutral can be described as “non-male & non-female.” In FGT, we see neutral as…
[AGTRT-BF94] What’s new about “Formal Gender Theory” (FGT)?
Jan Bergstra & Laurens BuijsAmsterdam Gender Theory Research Team We have several goals with AGTRT, and one is to use formal gender theory(FGT) to establish a new approach within gender theory. We want to list here what we think is really new about our approach. Learn more about the basics of gender and FGT’s role…
[AGTRT-BF93] The primary gender identity (PGI) is of utmost importance in decisions about gender transition
Jan Bergstra & Laurens BuijsAmsterdam Gender Theory Research Team The concept of gender identity is by far the most complex and impenetrable notion in gender theory. Without a concept of gender identity, gender theory is hard to get going, but what exactly gender identity is is very difficult to put into words. To date, we…