Author: Laurens Buijs
[AGTRT-BA25] Is the theory that the Great Pyramid was a power plant really that implausible?
Laurens BuijsAmsterdam Gender Theory Research Team Androgyny-Based Gender Theory (ABGT) makes the claim that masculinity and femininity are two different forms of knowledge that balance with each other in the secondary gender identity (SGI). Masculinity is cognitive-rational knowledge; femininity is emotional-intuitive knowledge (see also AGTRT-BA24). Humanity, according to ABGT, is a matriarchal species, which organizes…
[AGTRT-BT6] Indicative definitions versus demarcative definitions of sexual orientations
Jan Bergstra & Laurens BuijsAmsterdam Gender Theory Research Team In formal gender theory (FGT), we work on and with the notion of formal gender. This is a notion that can have different meanings in different versions of FGT. Any concrete example of a concept of formal gender is complicated because formal gender must explicitly have…
[AGTRT-BF101] A Dutch version of the Cass review is a good idea, but Cal Horton’s criticisms should be included
Jan Bergstra & Laurens BuijsAmsterdam Gender Theory Research Team It is plausible, but not certain, that a study such as the one conducted over the last four years under the leadership of Dr. Hilary Cass in the United Kingdom (see AGTRT-BF78) could also lead to relevant conclusions in the Netherlands. Jan Kuitenbrouwer and Peter Vasterman…
[AGTRT-BF100] Transcompatible Manifesto
Jan Bergstra & LaurensAmsterdam Gender Theory Research Team We see Formal Gender Theory (FGT) as a theoretical tool that can help bring the social debate on gender to fruition. In doing so, we try to find a workable middle ground between essentialism and co-essentialism, or what we call a middle of the road version(MotR version)…
[AGTRT-BF99] The legal effect hypothesis for legal gender
Jan Bergstra & Laurens BuijsAmsterdam Gender Theory Research Team The moment the experts consider that, for example, person P (with gender G at birth) has made the transition to formally gender G’ and then the government bureaucracy also assigns to P legally gender G’, then P’s legal status changes. The question is what changes; we…
[AGTRT-BA24] The secondary gender identity (SGI) determines the androgynous personality structure
Laurens BuijsAmsterdam Gender Theory Research Team (AGTRT). Structure of this blog Artwork: Paula Belle Flores 1. Introduction Androgyny-Based Gender Theory (ABGT) is fundamentally about the role that gender and sexuality play in consciousness. From there, ABGT formulates a new view of gender identity called Androgyny-Based Gender Identity (ABGI). ABGI consists of three aspects: primary gender…