Laurens Buijs
Amsterdam Gender Theory Research Team
According to German-Jewish psychoanalyst Wilhelm Reich (1897 – 1957), a sexual energy called Orgon flows through the entire universe and all living things.
Reich spent a lifetime researching orgasm and concluded that the only thing wrong with neurotic patients is the lack of complete and regular sexual satisfaction.
According to him, all psychological as well as physical illnesses can ultimately be traced back to an orgone energy imbalance. Even diseases like cancer would be caused by it, and thus curable, he thought. He delved into ways in which people could return to full sexual satisfaction, and how that could be helpful to their well-being and happiness.
He designed a special box, called the orgone accumulator, which his patients could sit in to recharge and balance their sexual energy. In 1954, however, the US drug watchdog FDA opened the attack on this invention: according to them, Reich was doing pseudoscience. The judge ruled that the accumulators should be destroyed, and Reich disappeared into prison where he died in 1957.
Reich also made an extensive study of Nazism. According to him, authoritarian regimes often seek to suppress people’s sexuality, by defusing the orgone energy that is in every human being.
Sexual repression and sexual guilt are tools of the elite to manipulate and keep man’s natural instincts small. This is how the people become submissive and docile, Reich said. By suppressing and controlling sexual expression, the energy and frustration of the population is prevented from being transformed into political protest and resistance.
Sexual liberation, Reich said, is the only way for a people to free themselves from authoritarian and totalitarian regimes. People who are sexually liberated and in whom orgone energy flows freely are more likely to challenge oppressive systems, according to Reich.
The current development from woke thought, which increasingly places a taboo on being free and expressing one’s manhood and womanhood, and which promotes non-binary genderlessness as an ideal, Reich would undoubtedly have seen as a red flag.
On the other hand, Reich had certainly not been a proponent of hedonistic boundless sexuality either. People whose orgone energy is not balanced due to trauma, for example (see AGTRT-BA4 and AGTRT-BA6), on the contrary, may also be sex addicted or have a pathological obsession with certain fetishes.
Learn more about trauma and sexuality:
Healing trauma is vital for gay men
Learn more about the patriarchal trauma everyone has:
How patriarchy has split our psyche, and how we can repair the damage
Above all, Reich promoted free sexuality. Free from societal expectations, free from social pressure, free from trauma, free from guilt, free from addiction. He wanted a sexual energy that could flow freely, within people and between people. Who made people really connect with each other. A lesson that has just as much relevance today.
The idea of orgone naturally resonates with all sorts of much older ideas from spiritual and mystical wisdom traditions. For example, in China they speak of chi, and in India they speak of prana. The idea that sexual energy flows through us and must be balanced for happiness and well-being is also central to the new age, tantra, and all movements that work with the chakras.
The orgasm can heal, according to Reich. But the body needs to be “recharged” more with sexual energy again. Men in particular have to learn in controlling sexual energy. A full and healing orgasm does not come from jerking off quickly on porn, but from letting the orgone flow through the body and learning to truly experience it in connection with the other person.
Learning to “recharge” and allow sexual energy to flow is also, according to Eastern philosophy, the way to get out of earthly ego energy, and to optimally activate the upper chakras, which are about intuition and contact with the spiritual.
Do you want to do your part to fight the totalitarian zeitgeist, and stay healthy, happy and alert in this challenging time? Then invest in recharging and releasing your sexual energy.
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