Welcome to AGTRT
This is the website of the Amsterdam Gender Theory Research Team (AGTRT), a collective of scholars seeking to bridge the trenches of the so-called “gender wars”.
Accessible theory on
gender and sexuality
We publish accessible articles in the form of blogs and academic documentation on our work in Formal Gender Theory (FGT), Androgyny-Based Gender Theory (ABGT) and Theoretical Sexology (TS).

Beyond woke and anti-woke
We are currently witnessing a “gender war” over a seemingly simple question: what is a woman? What began as a niche conflict between factions within feminist and transgender activism has escalated into an epic culture war of global proportions. The AGTRT aims to help bridge the gap between co-essentialism (“woke”) and essentialism (“anti-woke”), the two diametrically opposed trends in current social and scholarly debates about gender. Co-essentialism relies exclusively on self-identification to define gender, while essentialism is the belief that only biological factors determine gender. The AGTRT aims to open up more moderate positions that go beyond the current polarization.
Formal Gender Theory (FGT)
FGT is all about finding Middle of the Road (MotR) positions in gender theory. FGT facilitates substantive dialogue between different positions in gender discourse, ensuring consistency in argumentation while allowing for respectful disagreement.
“A Middle of the Road (MotR) approach to gender theory is possible, which avoids the extremes of woke and anti-woke.”
Jan Bergstra
Co-founder, AGTRT
Androgyny-Based Gender Theory (ABGT)
ABGT explores the concept of androgyny, which links gender and sexuality to consciousness. It explores how people can cultivate powerful androgynous qualities through “shadow work,” ultimately allowing humanity to shift from patriarchal to matriarchal social structures.
“Androgyny as a concept connects gender and sexuality to consciousness. It has the potential to unlock an entirely new scientific paradigm and spark a global sexual revolution.”
Laurens Buijs
Co-founder, AGTRT
Theoretical Sexology
The AGTRT explores the ways in which Formal Gender Theory (FGT) can be applied in theoretical sexology (TS), initially focusing on the theory of sexual orientation.
More about the AGTRT
We have documented our theoretical work in comprehensive reports. In addition, we have succinctly described some of our key insights in short posts. You can find them under Documents. We have pdfs and Scribd links available of each report and message.
Follow our blog posts
We post regularly on our blog about our work on our three main themes: Formal Gender Theory (FGT), Androgyny-Based Gender Theory (ABGT) and Theoretical Sexology (TS). In our blog posts, we reflect on theoretical aspects or current developments related to gender and sexuality in science and society.
Androgynous Humanity
ABGT is currently being developed in the form of a popular science book for a wide audience, entitled Androgynous Humanity (Dutch: De Androgyne Mens). After publication of the book, key aspects of ABGT will also be offered to scientific journals in the form of compartmentalized articles.
Collaborate with the AGTRT
All of our written work can currently be considered working papers; we are open to feedback and comments. In the longer term, we also aim to publish in journals and with different types of publishers. Are you interested in contributing to our network? Read more about us, or send us an email.